Obstetrics, reproduction and artificial insemination

Obstetrics, reproduction and artificial insemination

about department

Reproduction and infertility in heifers The aim of the course to Support acquisition of basic knowledge of normal genital system and any deviation from normal physiological condition enable the development and application of the problem-solving skills beside applications of the new diagnostic aids like ultrasonography Andrology and gynecology The aim of the course is to provide students with an appropriate background covering the common and important gynecological emergencies and affections beside reproductive affections of the male animal. Artificial Insemination The aim of the course is to: 1- Enable students to use artificial insemination in different animal species. 2- Provide students with an appropriate background on IVF and embryo transfer. Pregnancy diseases and Obstetrics The aim of the course is to: 1-Support achievement of basic knowledge for physiology and pathology of pregnancy, parturition and puerperium. 2- Provide students with an appropriate background covering the common and important obstetrical emergencies and affections.

department mission

The college, as an educational institution in North Sinai, seeks to graduate veterinarians who are able to compete in the labor market and are oriented to the surrounding community, participating in making a difference in various fields of the veterinary field and public health, while ensuring the development of values.

department vision

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Al-Arish University is a scientific castle in the field of veterinary medical sciences that contributes to development in North Sinai