Nutrition and clinical nutrition

Nutrition and clinical nutrition

about department

Principals of nutrition and Malnutrition diseases The aim of the course is to define the specific base of different nutrients supplied by feedstuff, evaluate the different feedstuff digestibility, energy and protein utilization by ruminant and non-ruminant animals and recognize the signs of deficiency, imbalance or wrong use of nutrients on animal performance. Applied nutrition The aim of the course is to determine the nutrient requirement of the different raised animal to perform their target function to provide the maximum net return and determine daily nutrient requirement and how the applied nutrition deal with these nutrients in the ration formulation.

department mission

The college, as an educational institution in North Sinai, seeks to graduate veterinarians who are able to compete in the labor market and are oriented to the surrounding community, participating in making a difference in various fields of the veterinary field and public health, while ensuring the development of values.

department vision

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Al-Arish University is a scientific castle in the field of veterinary medical sciences that contributes to development in North Sinai